simple is my middle name . love apple and ice cream . the gift from Allah for both my lovely parents . love the one who love ALLAH . its easy to know who is me but it is vice versa to know who is NOOR ADHILLA AHMAD ZAIDI \(^_^)/ . human-being make a mistake , me either . MY STAR IS MY SMILES =) I LOVE MY PUAN BANTAL =D

TERIMA KASIH singgah =) rasa bosan ? haa, jom main conteng conteng dulu jommm . enjoy ur time (^_^)v

Thursday, April 4, 2013

EGO become Lego

faham taakk bila kita tibatiba rasa sakit tapii taktau nak describe macam mana kannn! haishhh aku benci rasa ni. aku stalk *lol bukan laa stalk, just baca -.-* sebab aku benci tapi last last aku yang sakit. bukan sakit sebab jeles ke apa, sakit sebab . . . . haaaa fill in the blanks. i just dont know how its happen.  yet it's better to know and be dissapointed than to never know and always wonder. in the end, I WILL n I CAN survive. 

EGO is the only requirement to destroy any relationship. so, be A BETTER person skip the 'E' and let it 'GO'

ADHILLA say thank you for visit and dont forget to SMILE =)